What is availability?

Availability on Camelo is your preference regarding when you’re available and unavailable for work. By default, you’re set to be available all day.

By setting your availability, you let the scheduler know when you prefer to work and when you prefer not to work.


  • Setting your availability is letting your employer know about your preference only. Management can schedule shifts that don’t align with your availability.
  • On the team’s schedule, available time blocks will have a green mark whereas unavailable time blocks will be greyed out.

Add your availability

  1. Click the Dashboard tab at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll to My Calendar section at the end of the page.
  3. Click Availability.
  4. Hover over the date you want to add your availability, click + Add.
  5. Select I prefer to work to add a time when you’re available.
  6. Set the hours of your available time.
    • If you toggle All Day on, you’re available the entire day.
    • If you toggle All Day off, you can set the start time and end time of your availability.
  7. Set how you want your availability preference to repeat.
    • Does not repeat: The availability will not repeat.
    • Choose the repeat frequency: Every day, week, month, or year.
    • Select when you want the repeat to stop by selecting a time at End on.
  8. Add a note regarding your availability. This note is optional and is visible to you and your employer.
  9. Click Save to save your availability preference.

  1. Open the Camelo app and select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date and the + icon to add the time you’re available for work.
  3. Select I prefer to work to add a time when you’re available.
  4. Set the hours of your available time.
    • If you toggle All Day on, you’re available the entire day.
    • If you toggle All Day off, you can set the start time and end time of your availability.
  5. Set how you want your availability preference to repeat.
    • Does not repeat: The availability will not repeat.
    • Choose the repeat frequency: Every day, week, month, or year.
    • Select when you want the repeat to stop by selecting a time at End on.
  6. Add a note regarding your availability. This note is optional and is visible to you and your employer.
  7. Hit Save to save your availability preference.

📌 You can also access My Availability by going to the Menu tab at the bottom of your screen and scrolling to the SCHEDULE section.

  1. Open the Camelo app and select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date and the + icon to add the time you’re available for work.
  3. Select I prefer to work to add a time when you’re available.
  4. Set the hours of your available time.
    • If you toggle All Day on, you’re available the entire day.
    • If you toggle All Day off, you can set the start time and end time of your availability.
  5. Set how you want your availability preference to repeat.
    • Does not repeat: The availability will not repeat.
    • Choose the repeat frequency: Every day, week, month, or year.
    • Select when you want the repeat to stop by selecting a time at End on.
  6. Add a note regarding your availability. This note is optional and is visible to you and your employer.
  7. Hit Save to save your availability preference.

Edit your availability preference

  1. Click the Dashboard tab at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll to My Calendar section at the end of the page.
  3. Click Availability.
  4. Click the availability preference you want to edit.
  5. Click the to edit.
  6. Make changes, then click Save.
  7. If the preference repeats, you’ll be given options to update your recurring preferences:
    • If you want to update this and future repeats, select This and future preferences.
    • If you want to update all repeats, select All preferences.

  1. Select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date you want to edit your availability.
  3. Choose the availability preference you want to edit.
  4. Tap the ••• icon in the top right corner and select Edit Preference.
  5. Make the necessary changes, and then tap Save.
  6. If the preference repeats, you’ll be given options to update your recurring preferences:
    • If you want to update this and future repeats, select This and future preferences.
    • If you want to update all repeats, select All preferences.

  1. Select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date you want to edit your availability.
  3. Choose the availability preference you want to edit.
  4. Tap the ••• icon in the top right corner and select Edit Preference.
  5. Make the necessary changes, and then tap Save.
  6. If the preference repeats, you’ll be given options to update your recurring preferences:
    • If you want to update this and future repeats, select This and future preferences.
    • If you want to update all repeats, select All preferences.

Delete your availability preference

  1. Click the Dashboard tab at the top of the page.
  2. Scroll to My Calendar section at the end of the page.
  3. Click Availability.
  4. Click the availability preference you want to delete.
  5. Click the icon.
  6. A confirmation box will appear, click Yes to delete.

  1. Select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date you want to delete your availability.
  3. Choose the availability preference you want to delete.
  4. Tap the ••• icon in the top right corner and select Delete Preference.
  5. If the preference repeats, you’ll be given options to delete your recurring preferences:
    • If you want to delete this repeat only, select Only this preference.
    • If you want to delete this and future repeats, select This and future preferences.
    • If you want to delete all repeats, select All preferences.

  1. Select your profile picture in the top-left corner, then select My Availability.
  2. Select the date you want to delete your availability.
  3. Choose the availability preference you want to delete.
  4. Tap the ••• icon in the top right corner and select Delete Preference.
  5. If the preference repeats, you’ll be given options to delete your recurring preferences:
    • If you want to delete this repeat only, select Only this preference.
    • If you want to delete this and future repeats, select This and future preferences.
    • If you want to delete all repeats, select All preferences.

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What is availability?

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